sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2015

Episode 7

Whilst fighting the Gulfmon army, that was serving Zamielmon, the weird Digizoid sphere began to expand and it turned into a glowing sphere that entered DarknessBagramon's body and took his X Antibody, making him to lose some power:
       - What just happened to me?
       - It's the sphere. Apparently, it took the X Antibody from you because you didn't need it.
       - Yes, but besides I were using its power, it's still pretty weird. Do you think it is a possible part of the Supreme Evolver, Shoutmon?
       - I'm sure it is! What else could do that?
       - I suppose you're right! I guess we'll have to find out better what that is later... Look over there!
       - It's Ophanimon. It seems to be injured!
       - Shoutmon, I guess it's up to you and your team!
       - FINAL XROS!!! Shoutmon EX6, XrosUpTuwarmon, Arresterdramon Superior Mode, BanchoLilimon, GranDracmon, Code Crown! SHOUTMON X7 SUPERIOR MODE!!! FINAL XROS BLADE!!!
       - That's what I call power! Kuzuhamon DIGIVOLVE TO: SHAKAMON!!! TAIJOU SHINGON!!!
       - Now let's save Ophanimon!
After defeating all Gulfmon, our heroes decided to find out what happened to Ophanimon and why she was there:
       - Are you alright Ophanimon?
       - I was flying over trying to help you and suddenly a sphere came to me and took my ChronoCore...
       - You mean this, right?
       - It's the Supreme Evolver... Oh sorry, let me introduce myself : I'm Ophanimon and I'm also a member of the 7 Angels of Virtue. Together, we protect and fight for Calumon, our God. And you are the divine generals, I suppose.
       - Divine... Are you fine?
       - Yes, I am. Better you keep the work against the generals. I guess your next opponent is Blastmon. Not an easy one. Can I go with you?
       - Yes, why not?
After arriving to Blastmon's area, our heroes saw lots of Blastmon's copies:
       - Is this his army?
       - Unfortunately, yes.
       - Ok, let's kick them off! ARSENAL BLAST!!!
       - I think our job is done here...
       - Did you think it would be so easy? DIAMOND MACHINE GUN!!!
       - ULTIMA BURST!!!
       - Great! Now I have no army! Oh well, now it's funnier to kill you all! KENRAN CRYSTAL VOLCANO!!!
       - Can I join the party?
       - NeoVamdemon! Of course! But let me kill them first!
       - I don't care your words, we only have to serve our Lord... NIGHTMARE LEECHES!!!
       - We have both to defeat! Let us solve this! BlackWarGreymon, Fujinmon DIGIVOLVE TO: ZEEDMILLENNIUMMON!!! TIME DESTROYER!!!
A titanic power immediately killed both of Galacticmon's generals and caused all the Demon Lords to digivolve:
       - Barbamon, Beelzemon X, Lucemon SM, Belphemon RM, Leviamon, Lilithmon, Daemon SU DIGIVOLVE TO: OGUDOMON!!!
       - Great work, heroes! Now you must keep the job. I will go to check Calumon.
       - Ophanimon, do you know where are the Ancient Spirits to release Calumon's digivolution?
       - No. Unfortunately, Quartzmon doesn't know precisely where they are...
       - Now I do! They're at Gravimon's area.
       - Quartzmon, it's you!
       - Yes, Tagiru. I've let XrosUpGalacticmon under the digital sea in a forgotten dimension that I, Chronomon and ZeedMillenniummon have created a long time ago, after the creation of the Digital World. It's just a matter of time for him to escape, since he learned how to create portals...
       - We have no time to lose!
With strong determination, Tagiru, Mikey and specially Josh, alongside with all of the team, will go now to fight against Gravimon. Let's digivolve once again!!!

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