segunda-feira, 4 de maio de 2015

Episode 5

After defeating the Apocalymon trio, their DigiCores were captured by our heroes. Since they remained intact, Henry captured them to his Xros Loader:
      - What do you think you're doing?
      - It's a MaloMyotismon!!
      - Correct! And I'm here to defeat you all!!!
      - Not today!
      - Wait, guys! I've got an idea: what if we use the DigiCores to attack him? Each one of us uses one.
      - Seems fair! Ok, let's do this! DOUBLE IMPACT X!!!
      - URA IZUNA!!!
      - Fools! It won't work! SCREAMING DARKNESS!!!
After using his attack, MaloMyotismon grabbed two of the DigiCores and with his attack destroyed the third, causing a big explosion that sucked the energy of all in the battlefield, causing our heroes' Digimon to return to their rookie forms. MaloMyotismon died and the four DigiCores fused together to create a Digizoid sphere:
       - What is this thing? It looks like Gehenna, but is much smaller.
       - And it isn't also a DigiCore, because it doesn't react to our Xros Loader...
       - I think there's a digimon we could try to experiment... Do you know where Calumon is?
       - Renamon saw him yesterday when they came to our world.
       - Great! Perhaps Calumon knows what hapenned...
       - Calumon? Is he really alive?
       - Do you know him, Labramon?
       - Yes. In ancient times, many years before my invasion over the Digital World, Calumon was the God of the Digital World. But once I appeared has Bagramon, he tried to defeat me, but he failed, since I've dark digivolved all of his army...
       - And so I defeated you, and then you've decided to help me to fight against Quartzmon and then, we've created a new Royal Army...
       - Shoutmon! It's you!
       - Yes, and our new mission is to retrieve Calumon his old Throne over the Digital World...
       - I agree with you. Now I'm a different digimon and since I've been tamed and I understand the evolutionary bonds, I guess we're in the right way to make this up.
       - And we will all help!
       - Mikey! Nene, Christopher, Ewan, Tagiru, Angie, Jeremy, Ren, Airu, Ryouma! You're all here!!!
       - And we're going to the Digital World to perform our mission!!!
       - Don't forget we're missing people, Shoutmon! The other 6 Demon-Lords, the tamers of ZeedMilleniummon, UltimateKhaosmon, OmniArmamonBM, Chronomon and Fanglongmon!!
       - Wait for us!! My name's Lewis Nobisawa and this is my twin Ron! We're Rose's cousins and tamers of BlackAgumon and Monodramon!
       - I'm Zola Akeru and these are my friends Sarah, Nigel and Petrov! We're the tamers of Hawkmon, Kudamon, Commandramon and Elecmon!
       - Josh, where are your friends?
       - They're coming! Jack is over there, taming a SoundBirdmon. Kenta is following him with a Tsukaimon. There's Priscilla with Syakomon and along her comes Lori with Lucemon and there's also Ryuga with Mikemon. Catherine is coming with her Spadamon. I think that's all of my friends...
       - There are coming my friends also!
       - Did you call them Henry?
       - No, Labramon did. There's Francis with Baihumon, Byron with Azulongmon, Ignatia with Zhuqiamon, Philip with Ebonwumon and Jim with Buraimon.
       - Is the portal opened Mikey?
       - Yes, let's go to the Digital World!!
And so our heroes go to the Digital World with the mission of retrieving Calumon's Throne and defeating XrosUp Galacticmon once and for all. A digimon needs several requirements to become the King and even more to become the God of the Digital World - it needs the Code Crown, to guarantee full control over the Digital World, it needs to control the digivolution with the evolution crystal (only Calumon has it, so he's the only who can become the Digital World's God),it needs the 20 ancient spirits, it has to be limitlessly good and it needs the Supreme Evolver, a DigiCore that is infused with the X Antibody and with the ChronoCore. Let's go to a great Digi-Adventure!!!

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