segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2015

Episode 4

After defeating the Gizumons in the park, the girl applaused the work of our heroes:
       - Great! Great! But I bet me and Renamon can do better!
       - Who are you?
       - Oh sorry, my name's Rose, Rose Nobisawa. And who are you?
       - My name's Henry and this is Josh, my brother. Can you also Matrix Digivolve?
       - Sure! Let's kick some enemies out so I can show you my power!
       - Beelzemon, see if you can detect any enemies around!
       - There are some over there! Let's go, I want to try out the new X powers!
       - Let's go!
While aproaching the Gizumons, the heroes saw three Apocalymon leading a large army of Gizumon:
       - This will be tough... Labramon!
       - Labramon MATRIX DIGIVOLVE to: Plutomon!!!
       - Renamon, let's digivolve too!
       - Renamon MATRIX DIGIVOLVE to: Sakuyamon!!!
       - Wait, aren't you weaker? I'm at burst mode level and you're only at mega level...
       - Oh, don't worry! Sakuyamon digivolve to: Kuzuhamon!!!
While our heroes were facing the group of Apocalymon, Josh saw a BladeKuwagamon in trouble and had an idea:
       - Beelzemon! Do you see him? That BladeKuwagamon needs our help!
       - Are you thinking on hunting him?
       - You'll see! Alright?
       - Ok! DOUBLE IMPACT X!!!
A giant blast hit the Gizumon and one of the Apocalymon. In the middle of the dust released due to the power of the attack, BladeKuwagamon thanked to Josh:
       - Would you join my team, BladeKuwagamon?
       - Of course! After all you saved me!
       - Ok, but there's another digimon in my brother's team that was saved by him and I think we could have better DigiXros if I trade you by him. By the way, he's MetalMamemon, do you know him?
       - Actually, we lived in the same village in the Digital World before the battle of king Shoutmon against Galacticmon...
       - Great! Hey, Henry! Would you trade MetalMamemon for BladeKuwagamon? I think we could have better DigiXros!
       - And you're right! Plutomon DigiXros BladeKuwagamon: XrosUp Plutomon!!!
       - Beelzemon X DigiXros MetalMamemon: XrosUp Beelzemon!!!
       - I don't DigiXros, but I'll show you my power! TAIZOUKAI MANDARA!!!
The Apocalymon that was hit by Beelzemon X's shot immediately died and the missing two were already almost dead.
       - Wow! That's power! But I can do better! SPARK BLADE!!!
       - I will help!! ENERGY LASER BOMB X!!!
A titanic blast came from Beelzemon's arm where MetalMamemon was in DigiXros and a giant lightning came from Plutomon's arm where BladeKuwagamon was, causing all the evil digimon to die. But a MaloMyotismon appeared from the surroundings and our heroes don't have much energy, although our heroes still have a secret weapon...

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