sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Episode 1

After Galcticmon opened the portal, Quartzmon immediately noticed, since he is sensible to the connections between the digital world and other dimensions:
        - My majesty, our world is getting bridged. There's a portal from a strange dimension and it is very big!
        - The portal?
        - Indeed, my lord. I suggest we should prepare for battle. I don't want to get wrong but it seems that the presence that is opening the portal is Galacticmon, but it looks different...
        - DigiXros... Alright! We must get ready. I will warn the army by myself. Keep your research on going. We have a pretty strong foe coming in our way and we must kick him out as our ancestors have done to him.

While king Shoutmon was warning the army, Galacticmon was rebuilding GrandGeneramon by replacing the spots where Olegmon and Apollomon should be by Blastmon and Tactimon and making a massive army of Gizumon. He also added several MaloMyotismon, Dexmon and Apocalymon.
        - With an army like mine, I doubt those general fools have any hypothesis against me!
        - We will make sure you will win, my master.
        - Great, my loyal GrandGeneramon! Let's begin with the party! RAGNAROK CANNON!!!!

A huge blast was heard. Immediately Shoutmon calls all of his resources to help:
        - I demand that the Royal Knights, the Olympos XII, the Deva, the Bancho and all my generals. Present yourselves! DarknessBagramon!
        - Ready to serve you, my majesty.
        - Zeedmillenniummon!
        - All set for your victory, great king Shoutmon!
        - Ogudomon!
        - Let's battle them off, my supreme leader!
        - Shakamon!
        - It will be tough, but we'll win!
        - UltimateKhaosmon!
        - The chaos is settled to the enemy!
        - Fanglongmon!
        - Going to smash them all!
        - Chronomon!
        - With our mighty powers, victory is guaranteed!
        - Quartzmon!
        - DigiQuartz ready!
        - OmegaArmamon!
        - Weapons and strikes built!
        - LET'S FIGHT!!!!

And the battle finally begins! After some time of battling, the Shoutmon army is winning by a slight advantage over Galacticmon's crew:
        - Keep up! We're still winning! ARSENAL STRIKE!
        - OmegaArmamon is right, we must keep on! And remeber: don't make this for me but for yourselves and for the safety of the digital world! FINAL XROS BLADE!
        - You won't take over me! GENERAL SLASH!
        - We can get it! OUKAI!
        - Thanks, Fanglongmon!
        - I'm here to serve the digital world as well as you, my king!
        - Your idiot! I ask you to kill them and even that you can do! RAGNAROK CANNON!!!
The blast striked the Code Crown, making all digimon in the battlefield degenerate or eventually die and turn into digieggs. Galacticmon was swiped away into the DigiQuartz, to a dimension created by Quartzmon for his own safety. That way, Quartzmon wouldn't die and he could torture his enemies at his will. The evil generals were turned into digieggs and the rookie forms of most generals were sent into the human world.

New tamers await for their digimon!

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