quinta-feira, 9 de abril de 2015

Episode 0

After Quartzmon's defeat, the digital world went into times of prosperity and relative peace. Then, it was decided that the digiegg of Quartzmon should be hatched, so his power could be used to help king Shoutmon (X7 Superior Mode) as a general of his army. He was hatched by using special methods to make sure that he wouldn't be evil anymore.

Meanwhile, the old clock shop man, DarknessBagramon, retrieved his Brave Snatcher and assumed himself to the king Shoutmon as the prince of the digital world, swearing him full loyalty. Also, Chronomon, Fanglongmon, OmegaArmamon BM and Shakamon were recruited by Shoutmon as generals. After the absorption of the antivirus into the Code Crown it was possible for UltimateKhaosmon and ZeedMillenniummon to assume their forms and to help king Shoutmon too.

After the rebirth of Quartzmon new areas were opened due to the DigiQuartz implosion into the digital world after the hatch. So, it was possible to find the code keys and the crests, that were lost in areas between worlds. With the fuse of the code keys, Ogudomon was reborn and he also decided to swear full loyalty to king Shoutmon.

While king Shoutmon was builiding a Royal Army for him, there was also a dark presence in the background named Xros Up Galacticmon (AxeKnightmon's data) builiding its own army too. What happened was that AxeKnightmon's data, after his death inside the digiXros with his brother Bagramon, went into a mysterious area where was the DigiCore of Galacticmon, making their data to DigiFuse. In that dimension were also laying on there Blastmon, Zamielmon, Splashmon, Tactimon, Dorbickmon, Gravimon and NeoVamdemon's DigiCores that with the power of Galacticmon were revived. After getting some power, Galacticmon and his army decided to invade the digital world and to rule over it.

And so a new adventure begins!

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