sexta-feira, 17 de abril de 2015

Episode 2

After being taken down, the generals were immediately split into their basic states. The king Shoutmon was desengaged and Mikey and his friends took each of their digimon.
The prince DarknessBagramon was desengaged to Plutomon, that degenerated to Labramon and sent to the human world, and SkullBaluchimon, that was captured by the servants of Galacticmon by using evil spirals.
Ogudomon was split into Beelzemon, that degenerated to Impmon, to Lilithmon, that degenerated to Mikemon, to Leviamon, that degenerated to Syakomon, to Daemon, that degenerated to Tsukaimon, to Lucemon Shadowlord Mode, that turned into its rookie form and Barbamon, that degenerated to Soundbirdmon.
Zeedmillenniummon was split into Fujinmon, that degenerated to Monodramon and into BlackWarGreymon, that degenerated into BlackAgumon.
Shakamon degenerated to Renamon, OmniArmamon BM degenerated to Spadamon and Chronomon degenerated to Hyokomon.
UltimateKhaosmon was separated into Valdurmon, that degenerated to Hawkmon, into Kentaurosmon, that degenerated to Kudamon, into BanchoLeomon, that degenerated to Elecmon, and into Darkdramon, that degenerated to Commandramon.
Fanglongmon degenerated into the four sovereigns: Azulongmon, Zhuqiaomon, Ebonwumon and Baihumon.

Henry Nakagawa, a high-school boy, and Josh Nakagawa, a mid-school boy, are our heroes. In a sunday's morning, while playing computer, an error message appeared and the screen became white. A Labramon and an Impmon jumped off to their new tamer's arms. A Xros Loader appeared and Henry tamed Labramon and Josh tamed Impmon. The same happened with other children in this morning.

Henry, in that afternoon, decided to go to explore if anyone else tamed a digimon. Josh decided to go with him to check what new adventures were awaiting for them,
       - Labramon, why are you here, in the human world?
       - A giant portal opened after the battle. We were degenerated and sucked into this world.
       - Who else has came, Impmon?
       - As you might know, I'm one of the Seven Great Demon-Lords. So I guess the other six are somewhere around. Part of our data also stayed in the digital world... And some Gizumon came to make some destruction against us...
       - And what about digivolving?
       - We are ready and prepared!
       - Yeah! Impmon is right!
       - Labramon digivolves to: Anubismon!
       - Impmon digivolves to: Beelzemon!
       - Wait! Mega level? This is awesome!
       - Since you have lots of digi-soul and we are generals' degenerated forms, we just can't evolve to levels like Champion or Ultimate.
       - But you keep in Rookie...
       - Only as primary state.
       - But why we digivolved?
       - To check it out... Wait, there's a group of Gizumon ahead!
       - Let's fight them!

And so, our heroes have found their first reason to battle and to get stronger! Let the Digi-Soul burn!!!

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